Homeowners have seen a significant increase in energy consumption as more people work from home and less children are at school. It can be costly to keep cool in the summer and stay connected. These home energy-saving tips can reduce your energy consumption and help you lower your bills. Check out Red Solar’s tips to help you set home energy goals.

There are many ways to save energy in your home. An energy audit is the best way to save energy in your home. This comprehensive inspection will help you identify areas that could be causing energy losses. Our team of energy specialists analyzes your home and offers energy-saving suggestions. These suggestions are used by most homeowners as a guide to setting energy goals.
Energy-efficient improvements can be made to homes of any size and age. Many of these upgrades can increase or retain the value of your home. You can improve insulation and tighten ductwork. These changes will reduce the amount of energy required to maintain a consistent temperature in your home. You can also make quick changes to help you reach your home’s energy goals. You can make a huge difference by replacing incandescent bulbs with LEDs, installing blinds or drapes to block the sun, and regularly changing your HVAC filters.
This post was written by a professional at Red Solar. Red Solar was started with the mindset of renewable energy being the future. We want everyone to travel through this transition. We can all agree that solar is the best way to reduce your carbon footprint, but it’s not the only way. During a Red Solar energy evaluation, all energy commons in your home will be analyzed for results. Our expert technicians will guide you through the process for better understanding and reassurance. Looking for one of the best companies West Palm Beach? Then contact us for more information today!